From August 22, the Old June Tapp Art Space at YouthworxNT will showcase a selection of Indigenous and non-Indigenous winning artworks from the 2014 Jobfind and RJCP calendar competitions.
Jobfind is Angus Knight’s employment business service and the Angus Knight Confidence by Art project, which has featured an annual art calendar competition, a coffee table book and exhibition at New South Wales Parliament House, creates an opportunity for clients to explore and express their sense of culture and identity, and addition to showing off their artistic talent.
The Confidence by Art Exhibition will be launched by Member for Katherine Willem Westra van Holthe at 5.30pm on August 22.
“I support Angus Knight’s Confidence by Art project … which will showcase the depth of artistic talents of Aboriginal people engaged in the Jobfind program,” Mr Westra van Holthe said.
“For Aboriginal people in the Northern Territory, art is a key and critical part of their identity and culture, making this project relevant to many of the Jobfind participants in our local communities.”
The calendar competition, as well as the Confidence by Art project, aims to utilise art to increase the confidence of clients, in particular those who are registered with Jobfind.
In 2014, the works are the result of each artist’s interpretation of the theme “My Home, My Country”.
An exhibition spokesman said participants would hopefully find work as a result of the exhibition.
“By strengthening the job seekers’ self-esteem through art and encouraging them to focus on a positive outlook, we believe the project will bring the ultimate goal of meaningful employment,” the spokesman said.