AKG has a mature corporate governance framework that has been refined over the past 30 years. It combines our learned experience in systems, procedures and culture, including auditing, quality assurance, workplace health and safety, advanced data analytics, risk management, e-business management, recruitment, technology and community engagement.
Corporate governance
At AKG, our robust governance systems are designed to ensure integrity and excellence across the group, embodying our vision, purpose and values at all levels.
Corporate governance
Board meetings
AKG is governed by a Board of Directors.
Board meetings consider reports from the CEO of each subsidiary company, and from the group’s Chief Financial Officer, Chief Information Officer and the Chief of Governance and Compliance.
Governance, Quality and Integrity
The Chief of Governance and Compliance, Mr Anthony Parsons, and our Privacy Officer, Ms Robyn Kingston, report directly to the Board. Each has around 20 years’ experience in the Commonwealth Senior Executive Service, dating back to the design and outsourcing of employment services in 1998, giving them an intimate understanding of employment service contracts.
“We take our responsibility as care takers of sensitive data very seriously. Our governance structures are at the core of what we do everyday.”
Anthony Parsons – Chief of Governance and Compliance
Quality, integrity and risk
The Quality, Integrity and Risk Subcommittee regularly examines feedback from clients, our independent and anonymous whistleblower facility, and our continuous improvement register. It is also responsible for our internal and external audit program of works, and monitors the effectiveness of detailed risk plans. Our risk plans are managed by an inhouse system modelled on the Riskman and Risk-Active facilities previously used by the Department of Education Skills and Employment. This subcommittee has overall responsibility for operating policies and procedures, and compliance with contractual requirements.
People and culture
The People and Culture Subcommittee meets regularly to monitor workplace health and safety initiatives as well as staff development and retention strategies. It has oversight of all recruitment and separation, workplace health and safety, staff performance, and remuneration matters.