AKG delivers more than 500 unique training, education, community and employment programs focusing on support for the long-term unemployed, people living with disability, First Nations peoples, young and mature-aged people so they can thrive in work and beyond.
What we do
Empowering and transforming lives through employment, wellbeing and health, education and community.
Our services
A global network with local roots
AKG was co-founded more than 30 years ago by Duncan Angus, a ‘boy from the bush’ who experienced his own challenges in finding meaningful training and employment. Duncan co-founded AKG, with the belief that compassion, experience and skill development empowers people to make their lives and communities better.
Today, all of us at AKG remain true to its purpose: to empower people through employment, health, and education, enabling people to thrive in their communities.
We achieve this through our extensive global network, our consultant’s skills and lived experience, and commitment to our purpose.
Comprehensive employment services
We provide careers information, advice and guidance.
Pre-employment preparation and training, recruitment, coaching and mentoring, and post-employment support for job seekers.
Free help with human resources strategies, recruitment and onboarding solutions for employers.
Disability services
Support and employment solutions both for job seekers or employees with a disability, injury or health condition, and for their employers.
Wellbeing and health
Allied health and life skills assistance for job seekers through our Healthfind and Intuitive Thinking Skills programs.
Integrated education and training
Vocational training, bespoke training programs and education on a fully subsidised, partially subsidised or full fee-for-service basis.
Community development
Programs to build resilience and enhance communities, including training and the development of employment pathways, local business enterprises and community infrastructure.
We support individuals, employers and communities
We aim to go above and beyond, to deliver better outcomes for:
We are a trusted government service provider
Across the group, we are contracted to deliver the following government programs.
In Australia
Career Transition Assistance
Helping mature-age job seekers build the confidence and skills to become more competitive in the job market.
Community Development Program (CDP)
The Australian Government’s remote employment and community development service.
Disability Employment Services (DES)
Support to find and keep a job for people with a disability, injury or health condition.
Workforce Australia (and allied health service)
For job seekers receiving income support.
Supporting Parenting Payment recipients who have children under 6 to achieve study and work goals.
Time to Work Employment Services (TWES)
In-prison employment services that help sentenced First Nations Australians to prepare for release.
In Canada
British Columbia
We are proud to partner with the Ministry of Social Development and Poverty Reduction to deliver Employment Services in five catchment areas and nine locations.
In Italy
Guaranteed Employability of Workers (GOL)
Provides tailored support to unemployed people 16 – 64 years of age in Lombardy, Emilia-Romagna and Lazio
Dote Unica Lavoro (DUL)
Provides tailored support to unemployed men aged 30 -54 resident in Lombardy
In Singapore
Career Matching Programme (CMP)
Working on behalf of Workforce Singapore (WSG) as a Career Matching Provider (CMP)
Healthy Workplace Ecosystem (HWE)
Partnering with landlords and developers to bring healthier food options, complimentary exercise sessions, educational workshops and health screenings to workers and tenants
In Sweden
Kundval Rusta och Matcha
For people registered with the Swedish Public Employment Service who are in need of individually adapted support for jobs or education.
In the UK
Restart Scheme
Provides intensive and tailored support to unemployed people to help them find work in England.