Fairfield Advance (Australia), September 21, 2016 Wednesday JOBFIND SITE’S ON A NEW LEVEL BYLINE: Winsome Walker SECTION: NEWS; Pg. 15 Fairfield residents with a manageable disability, injury or health condition, who also require employment services have a new port of call: the relocated Fairfield Jobfind centre.
Jobfind CEO Michael Hobday said the new centre was crucial with unemployment in Fairfield significantly higher than the national average.
Mr Hobday said the new site offered improved facilities and specialist staff. “The new centre is much larger with updated technology facilities, which also enables Jobfind to conduct training courses for jobseekers at the centre,” Mr Hobday said.
The opening of the centre on September 16 at Ware Street was attended by business and community leaders, local employers and two jobseekers who spoke about their journey to find employment.
Mr Hobday said the centre would cater for Fairfield’s diverse community. “The centre has numerous bilingual staff, which enables productive discussions and really enhances the level of support we can provide to jobseekers both pre and post-employment,” he said.