Jobfind is proud to announce that we have been appointed to the Inner Metropolitan Employment Region Local Jobs and Skills Taskforce established by the Australian Government’s Department of Education, Skills and Employment. Jobfind is joined by key stakeholders including employer and community organisation representatives, education and training organisations, and local and state government representatives.
The taskforce brings together expertise, resources, and access to funding at the local level to focus on reskilling, upskilling and employment pathways for people in the region. It is part of the $62.8 million Local Jobs Program which will operate in 25 regions across Australia through to 30 June 2022. The program is part of supporting Australia’s economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.
More information for the Local Jobs and Skills Taskforce for the Inner Metropolitan Melbourne Employment Region can be found here
As a well-established provider of employment services within Inner Metropolitan Melbourne, Jobfind will represent and collaborate with employment services providers and other stakeholders to assist the Taskforce to develop local employment solutions and assist in growing business confidence to get people back into jobs.
Jobfind’s CEO, Anthony Parsons said “Jobfind’s 5-star rating and long standing, deep connections in Melbourne were formative in the selection of Jobfind to be part of this important taskforce. Our 1,000 jobs for Christmas campaign last year saw us secure 1,500 jobs for jobseekers, and we will be doing our best to do the same again this year, despite COVID-19. In fact, we have managed to place more than 300 people into work each month across Melbourne throughout the pandemic and lockdown”.
Jobfind’s representative on the taskforce will be our Inner Metropolitan Melbourne Regional Manager, Julia Bassani. Julia has an extensive career in employment services which she will use to identify growth industries. Julia will then work with all employment services providers and training providers in the region to meet the recruitment requirements of employers, training providers, and other key stakeholders. With the same focus and purpose of assisting jobseekers back into employment, education and training, Julia has been given an opportunity through the taskforce role to reach out to various networks and collaborate to assist our economy return post COVID-19.
As part of the Angus Knight Group, Jobfind delivers on an extensive range of employment services across metropolitan, regional, and remote Australia on behalf of the Australian Government.