As an 18-year-old, Ali faced a confirmed diagnosis of Bipolar II Disorder and Borderline Personality Disorder. Under the care of her psychiatrist, Ali managed her medications and many destabilising physical, mental and emotional symptoms—a heavy load for anyone. Despite being in severe pain at times, Ali was determined to work.
Ali commenced two jobs in early 2020: waitressing at Bogey’s Bistro in Emerald, and working as an assistant at The Reject Shop. But ever-persistent Ali wanted a more fulfilling career.
When her Joblife consultant asked her what she wanted to do, Ali knew the answer: a journalist.
Working as a team, Ali and her Joblife consultant found the contact details for a new regional paper and Ali submitted two trial articles to the editor.
Two weeks later, Ali was offered a full-time cadetship with The Highlands Leader. She was very proud to show her Joblife consultant the front-page article she had co-written.
With help from Joblife to buy suitable work clothes and attend driving lessons, Ali is ‘blown away’ by her new opportunities.