We deliver innovative employment, health, and education solutions in six countries and more than 300 locations in Australia, Canada, Italy, Singapore, Sweden, and the UK. Our customers include jobseekers, students, governments and local councils, employers and community organisations.
Who we are
AKG empowers people through employment, health and education – enabling them to thrive in their communities.
Global network
Lived experience
Our 2,000 specialists use their lived experience of the barriers and circumstances our customers face, to provide tailored support. Our people live and work in the communities they support, buoyed by the resources, network, and financial stability of a global business.
Core services
We empower people through employment, health and education – enabling them to thrive in their communities.
Strength through partnership
A global network with local roots. AKG was co-founded more than 30 years ago by Duncan Angus, a ‘boy from the bush’ who experienced his own challenges in finding meaningful training and employment, with the belief that compassion, experience and skill development empowers people to make their lives and communities better.
Centralised support
AKG also provides centralised support, technology, research and analysis to all its partners. We use evidence-based approaches to continuously improve our servicing model. Collaborating with and empowering community, not-for-profit, employers and specialists, we always aim to go above and beyond to deliver better outcomes and enrich people’s lives at the local level.